diff options
4 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/20-client.t b/t/20-client.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fd6739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/20-client.t
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test;
+use Matrix::Client;
+plan 4;
+ skip-rest 'No test server setted';
+ exit;
+my $home-server = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_TEST_SERVER>;
+my $username = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_USERNAME>;
+my $password = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_PASSWORD>;
+my $device-id = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_DEVICE_ID>;
+my $access-token;
+my Matrix::Client $client;
+subtest 'creation' => {
+ plan 2;
+ $client .= new(:$home-server, :$device-id);
+ isnt $client.home-server, '', 'home server isnt empty';
+ isnt $client.device-id, '', 'device-id isnt empty';
+ note $client.base-url;
+subtest 'login' => {
+ plan 4;
+ throws-like {
+ $client.login(:username<wrong>, :password<data>)
+ }, X::Matrix::Response, message => /M_FORBIDDEN/;
+ lives-ok { $client.login($username, $password) }, 'can logging with right data';
+ isnt $client.access-token, '', 'access-token setted';
+ $access-token = $client.access-token;
+ my Matrix::Client $access-token-client .= new(:$home-server,
+ :$device-id,
+ :$access-token);
+ ok $access-token-client.whoami.starts-with("@$username"),
+ 'client with access-token can do authorized calls';
+subtest 'User data' => {
+ plan 2;
+ isa-ok $client.profile, Hash, '.profile returns a Hash?';
+ subtest 'display name' => {
+ plan 3;
+ is $client.display-name, $username, 'get default display-name';
+ ok $client.change-display-name('testing'), 'change display-name';
+ is $client.display-name, 'testing', 'get new display-name';
+ $client.change-display-name($username);
+ }
+subtest 'sync' => {
+ plan 3;
+ isa-ok $client.sync(), Matrix::Response::Sync,
+ 'sync without params is a Response';
+ isa-ok $client.sync(:sync-filter('{"room": { "timeline": { "limit": 1 } } }')),
+ Matrix::Response::Sync, 'sync with Str sync-filter';
+ isa-ok $client.sync(:sync-filter(room => timeline => limit => 1)),
+ Matrix::Response::Sync, 'sync wit Hash sync-filter';
diff --git a/t/30-room.t b/t/30-room.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e12a17c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/30-room.t
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test;
+use Matrix::Client;
+plan 10;
+ skip-rest 'No test server setted';
+ exit;
+my $home-server = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_TEST_SERVER>;
+my $username = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_USERNAME>;
+my $password = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_PASSWORD>;
+my $device-id = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_DEVICE_ID>;
+my $public-room-id = %*ENV<MATRIX_CLIENT_PUBLIC_ROOM> // '!cYTYddgfJTLTzdiDBP:localhost';
+my Matrix::Client $client .= new(:$home-server);
+$client.login(:$username, :$password);
+my $room-alias = 'Room' ~ (^10).map({('a'…'z').pick}).join;
+my $main-room;
+lives-ok {
+ $main-room = $client.create-room(
+ :public,
+ :preset<public_chat>,
+ :room_alias_name($room-alias),
+ :name("The Grand Duke Pub"),
+ :topic("All about happy hour"),
+ :creation_content({
+ "m.federate" => False
+ })
+ );
+}, 'Can create room';
+isa-ok $main-room, Matrix::Client::Room;
+my $room-id = $main-room.id;
+lives-ok {
+ $main-room.leave;
+}, 'Can leave room';
+lives-ok {
+ $main-room.join;
+}, 'Can join a room';
+lives-ok {
+ $client.join-room($public-room-id)
+}, 'Can join public room';
+my @rooms = $client.joined-rooms;
+my $public-room = @rooms.first(-> $room { $room.id eq $public-room-id });
+isa-ok $public-room, Matrix::Client::Room;
+isa-ok $public-room.send('hi'), Str;
+subtest 'states' => {
+ plan 2;
+ isa-ok $main-room.state(), Seq;
+ my @states = $main-room.state();
+ isa-ok @states.first(), Matrix::Response::StateEvent;
+subtest 'creation' => {
+ plan 3;
+ my $new-room = Matrix::Client::Room.new(
+ :id($public-room.id),
+ :$home-server,
+ :access-token($client.access-token)
+ );
+ ok $new-room, 'Can .new a room with the id of the public room';
+ isa-ok $new-room, Matrix::Client::Room;
+ is $new-room.id, $public-room.id, 'The id is the same as the public room';
+subtest 'name' => {
+ plan 4;
+ my $name = "Name room test";
+ my $test-room = $client.create-room:
+ :creation_content({
+ "m.federate" => False
+ });
+ throws-like {
+ $test-room.name()
+ }, X::Matrix::Response,
+ message => /M_NOT_FOUND/,
+ '.name without name gives event not found';
+ lives-ok {
+ $test-room.send-state('m.room.name', :name($name))
+ }, 'Can change name to an unnamed room';
+ lives-ok {
+ $test-room.name()
+ }, '.name with a name set dont die';
+ is $test-room.name, $name, 'The name is set correctly';
+ $test-room.leave;
diff --git a/t/40-response.t b/t/40-response.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61dd635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/40-response.t
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test;
+use JSON::Tiny;
+use Matrix::Response;
+plan 7;
+my $test-file = 'sync.json';
+unless $test-file.IO.f {
+ skip-rest 'Missing sync.json to test';
+ exit;
+my $data = from-json($test-file.IO.slurp);
+ok $data;
+lives-ok { Matrix::Response::Sync.new($test-file.IO.slurp) };
+lives-ok { Matrix::Response::Sync.new($data) };
+my $res = Matrix::Response::Sync.new($data);
+can-ok $res, 'joined-rooms';
+can-ok $res, 'presence';
+isa-ok $res.joined-rooms, List;
+isa-ok $res.presence, List;
diff --git a/t/50-exception.t b/t/50-exception.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d252153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/50-exception.t
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test;
+use Matrix::Client;
+use Matrix::Client::Exception;
+plan 1;
+my $c = Matrix::Client.new(:home-server<https://matrix.org>);
+throws-like {
+ $c.get('/unknown-endpoint');
+}, X::Matrix::Response, 'Unknown endpoint throws exception';