use lib 'lib'; use Test; use Matrix::Client::MediaStore; use Matrix::Client::Exception; my $path = $*TMPDIR.add('matrix-client-test'); LEAVE { unlink $path; } $path.spurt("") unless $path.f; subtest 'Upload', { plan 5; # Mock the post-bin method of Matrix::Client::Requester. my $media ="1234")) but role { has %.called-with; method post-bin(Str $path, Buf $buf, :$content-type) { %.called-with = $path; %.called-with = $buf; %.called-with = $content-type; class { method content { '{"content_uri": "bla" }' } } } } $media.upload($path, "something"); is $media.called-with, '/upload?filename=something', "Send filename pass by parameter"; $media.upload($path, "something with spaces"); is $media.called-with, '/upload?filename=something%20with%20spaces', "Escaped filename"; $media.upload($path); is $media.called-with, "/upload?filename={$path.basename}", "Send file basename if not set"; is $media.called-with, 'image/png', "By default use `image/png` MIME"; $media.upload($path, content-type => 'application/pdf'); is $media.called-with, 'application/pdf', "Can change the content type"; } subtest 'mxc parsing', { plan 2; my $media ="1234")); is $media.parse-mxc("mxc://"), { server-name => "", media-id => "123456.pdf" }, 'Simple parsing'; throws-like { $media.parse-mxc("") }, X::Matrix::MXCParse, 'Dies with HTTP URI'; }; subtest 'config', { # Mock the post-bin method of Matrix::Client::Requester. plan 5; my $media ="1234")) but role { method get(Str $path) { class { method content { '{"m.upload.size": 5000 }' } } } } isa-ok $media.config, Matrix::Response::MediaStore::Config, 'Can load Associative'; is $media.config.upload-size, 5000, 'correct upload size'; my $empty-media ="1234")) but role { method get(Str $path) { class { method content { '{}' } } } } isa-ok $empty-media.config, Matrix::Response::MediaStore::Config, 'Can load empty configuration'; is $empty-media.config.upload-size, Int, 'Unknown upload-size'; nok $empty-media.config.upload-size.defined, 'upload-size not defined'; }