use HTTP::Request::Common; use URI::Encode; use JSON::Tiny; use Matrix::Client::Common; use Matrix::Client::Room; use Matrix::Client::Requester; unit class Matrix::Client does Matrix::Client::Requester; has Str $!user-id; has Str $!device-id; has Str $.state-file = 'state'; has @!rooms; has @!users; method user-id() { $!user-id } method device-id() { $!device-id } method login(Str $username, Str $pass) returns Bool { if $.state-file.IO.e { my $data = from-json(slurp $.state-file); $!access-token = $data; $!user-id = $data; $!device-id = $data; $Matrix::Client::Common::TXN-ID = $data // 0; return True } # Handle POST my $data = to-json { type => "m.login.password", user => $username, password => $pass }; my $res = $.post("/login", $data); if $ { spurt $.state-file, $res.content; my $data = from-json($res.content); $!access-token = $data; $!user-id = $data; $!device-id = $data; True } else { False } } method finish() { my %data = access_token => $!access-token, user_id => $!user-id, device_id => $!device-id, txn_id => $Matrix::Client::Common::TXN-ID; spurt $.state-file, to-json(%data); } method logout() { unlink $.state-file; $.post("/logout") } method register($username, $password, Bool :$bind-email? = False) { my $res = $.post("/register", username => $username, password => $password, bind_email => $bind-email, auth => { type => "m.login.dummy" }); if $ { my $data = from-json $res.content; $!access-token = $data; $.user-id = $data; } else { die "Error with the homeserver: " ~ $res.content; } } method check-res($res) { if $ { True } else { warn $res.status-line; warn $res.content; False } } multi method sync() { my $res = $.get("/sync", timeout => 30000 ); $.check-res($res); $res } multi method sync(Str :$sync-filter, Str :$since = "") { my $res = $.get("/sync", timeout => 30000, filter => $sync-filter, since => $since ); $.check-res($res); $res } multi method sync(:$sync-filter is copy, :$since = "") { $.sync(sync-filter => to-json($sync-filter), since => $since) } method join-room($room-id!) { $.post("/join/" ~ $room-id) } method rooms() { my $res = $.get("/sync", timeout => "30000"); return () unless $; my $data = from-json($res.content); for $data.kv -> $id, $json { @!rooms.push( => $id, json => $json, home-server => $!home-server)); } @!rooms } method send(Str $room-id, Str $body, :$type? = "m.text") { $Matrix::Client::Common::TXN-ID++; $.put("/rooms/$room-id/send/{$Matrix::Client::Common::TXN-ID}", msgtype => $type, body => $body) }