path: root/t/60-media.t
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 't/60-media.t')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/t/60-media.t b/t/60-media.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602b0fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/60-media.t
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use lib 'lib';
+use Test;
+use Matrix::Client::MediaStore;
+use Matrix::Client::Exception;
+plan 6;
+my $path = $*TMPDIR.add('matrix-client-test');
+LEAVE { unlink $path; }
+$path.spurt("") unless $path.f;
+# Mock the post-bin method of Matrix::Client::Requester.
+my $media = Matrix::Client::MediaStore.new(:home-server("1234")) but role {
+ has %.called-with;
+ method post-bin(Str $path, Buf $buf, :$content-type) {
+ %.called-with<path> = $path;
+ %.called-with<buf> = $buf;
+ %.called-with<content-type> = $content-type;
+ class { method content { '{"content_uri": "bla" }' } }
+ }
+$media.upload($path, "something");
+is $media.called-with<path>, '/upload?filename=something', "Send filename pass by parameter";
+$media.upload($path, "something with spaces");
+is $media.called-with<path>, '/upload?filename=something%20with%20spaces', "Escaped filename";
+is $media.called-with<path>, "/upload?filename={$path.basename}", "Send file basename if not set";
+is $media.called-with<content-type>, 'image/png', "By default use `image/png` MIME";
+$media.upload($path, content-type => 'application/pdf');
+is $media.called-with<content-type>, 'application/pdf', "Can change the content type";
+subtest {
+ plan 2;
+ my $media = Matrix::Client::MediaStore.new(:home-server("1234"));
+ is $media.parse-mxc("mxc://matrix.org/123456.pdf"), {
+ server-name => "matrix.org", media-id => "123456.pdf"
+ }, 'Simple parsing';
+ throws-like {
+ $media.parse-mxc("http://matrix.org/123456.pdf")
+ }, X::Matrix::MXCParse, 'Dies with HTTP URI';
+}, 'mxc parsing';