.TH DOTWM 1 DotMW\-v0.1 .nh .SH NAME DotWM - Keyboard driven window manager .SH SYNOPSIS .B dotwm .RI [ -v ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .B dotwm is a stacking windows manager for the X window system that is keyboard driven. .SH OPTIONS .B \-v Print the version information and exits. .SH CONFIGURATION .B dotwm is configured through an unix socket located at /var/run/dotwm.sock. This allows to make any interface that the user wants. .SS SOCKET COMMANDS .HP .I bind [Mod1-Mod2...] [key] command [args] Bind a keypress event on the window manager .HP .I exec external-command executes an external command. .HP .I resize-win x y Resizes the current window x and y relative to the current size. .HP .I resize-win-sticky [left|right|down|up] resize the current window to the next window/screen border. .HP .I move-win x y Moves the current window x and y relative to the current position. .HP .I move-win-sticky [left|right|down|up] Moves the current window to the next window/screen border. .HP .I close-win closes the current window, trying to close it gracefully. .HP .I focus-next focus the next window on the internal list. .HP .I fullscreen set fullscreen the current window. .HP .I change-desktop [idx] changes to the desktop idx. .SS EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION #!/bin/bash .br dot() { .br # Using BSD netcat .br printf "%s " $@ | netcat -U dotwm.sock .br } .br # Fullscreens the current window with alt-f .br dot bind Mod1 f fullscreen .br # Spawn xterm .br dot exec xterm .br .SH AUTHOR Matias Linares