# SSG Minimal **S**tatic **S**ite **G**enerator written in perl. This software was inspired in [sw](https://github.com/jroimartin/sw), a suckless webframework. ## Installation There's no installation method for now. The *ssh* and *styles.css* should be on the same directory, and the result directory will be there as well. ## Usage ssg [switches] input-directory where switches can be: * -v print version and exits * -h print this help and exits * -o set the input directory (by default site.static/) By default the output directory is *./site.static/* (on the same directory as this program ## Generation + upload You can automate all the process creating the following script. ./ssg -o mysite input-dir rsync -avz mysite/ your.site:/path/to/www ## Author Matias Linares