require 'qml' require 'audioinfo' require './models' module BassPlayer VERSION = '0.1' class SongController include QML::Access register_to_qml property(:title) { '' } property(:duration) { '' } property(:current_song) { '' } property(:current_segment) { '' } property(:model) {, :duration) } property(:segment_model) {, :from, :to) } def initialize super() Song.all.each do |song| model << { title: song.title, duration: ms_to_time(song.duration) } end end def add(file_url, duration, metadata) path = file_url.split('file://').last do |info| title = if info.title.empty? File.basename(path) else info.title end song = Song.create( title: title, duration: info.length * 1000, path: file_url ) item = { title: song.title, duration: ms_to_time(song.duration) } model << item end end def song_selected(row) unless row.nil? self.current_song = model[row][:title] end segment_model.clear self.current_segment = nil song = Song.first(title: self.current_song) segments = Song.first(title: self.current_song) do |segment| { name:, from: ms_to_time(segment.from), to: ms_to_time( } end for segment in segments segment_model << segment end return { path: song.path, duration: song.duration } end def segment_selected(row) song = Song.first(title: self.current_song) self.current_segment = song.segments[row.to_i].to_hash end def add_segment(name, from, to) song = Song.first(title: current_song) Segment.create( name: name, from: parse_time(from), to: parse_time(to), song_id: ) song_selected(nil) end def ms_to_time(ms) retval ="%M:%S") return retval end def parse_time(string) # Parses a string of the form '3:12' to milliseconds min, sec = string.split(':').map(&:to_i) return ((min * 60) + sec) * 1000 end end end do |app| app.load_path Pathname(__FILE__) + '../main.qml' end